Parepare (Kemenag) — The State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare made a new breakthrough by developing a Career Center and Tracer Study for alumni. IAIN Parepare cooperates with a national startup company, PT. Sevima to provide a digital-based system, namely the Karirlink application.
The details of this collaboration were discussed together in a webinar between PT. Sevima with the leadership of IAIN Parepare on September 27, 2021. Both parties agreed to provide Career Center and Tracer Study applications.
“We entrust the development of the Career Center and Tracer Study system and application to PT. Sevima. We value the company as highly qualified in the development of information technology in the field of education. This includes Career Center and Tracer Study systems and applications for alumni that they offer us,” said Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation and Student Affairs at IAIN Parepare, Muhammad Saleh when confirmed by telephone, Friday (1/10/2021).
The cooperation agreement was also confirmed by the Product Manager of PT. Sevima, Valda Orchidea Zahwa. “IAIN Parepare is the first university, as well as a pilot project of the Karirlink application that we developed,” said Valda. The Karirlink application will become a Career Center and Tracer Study as well as for alumni.
Career Center is the center of the education and training system for alumni of a university. The Tracer Study is a study of tracing the traces of graduates / alumni carried out by universities to alumni after graduation. “The Karirlink application will connect universities, alumni, and companies,” he explained.
“Hopefully, this Karirlink application can help graduates find work, then assist universities in getting feedback and graduate data, as well as assist companies in finding competent candidates and according to the company’s needs,” said Valda outlining the benefits obtained from the Karirlink application.
“In addition, alumni can also always be connected with universities and can be connected by classmates, colleagues, and alumni from other generations,” he added.
The Karirlink application, continued Valda, can be downloaded on the Playstore. Graduates or students can log in to the application through a siakad cloud account, besides that they can update CVs such as status updates.
Moh. Jafar as the Head of Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni said he was happy and grateful for the agreement between PT. Sevima. He assessed that the system and application were very helpful in empowering programs and building sustainable relationships with alumni. According to him, through this application the campus will help alumni in accessing job opportunities in the future.
“This is very important. In addition to helping alumni in their job and career prospects, it is also an indicator of college accreditation. A university will be considered quality if it is able to empower and build sustainable relationships with its alumni. Through this system and application from Sevima, we can make everything happen,” he explained.
According to Jafar, many benefits will be obtained from this Karirlink application, especially for alumni to gain access to information or job vacancies. “We will help them find their jobs and through study tracers we will build networks and synergies between alumni wherever they are and work,” he concluded. (Suherman)